Application Period
Application opens on May 2, 2023 and closes on June 4, 2023. Late applications will not be considered! The complete application documents must be sent in one zipfile (max. 2MB) to team@commitmentaward.org to by 23:59 (CEST) on June 4, 2023.
Application Guidelines and Eligibility
- Any currently enrolled student or group of students or alumni of the Brandt School can submit an application and be eligible for this award.
- External applications are also considered, but need the approval of one person fulfilling the above mentioned criteria and the person’s willingness to serve as a Brandt School partner for the project or to actively join the team.
- You can apply as a group or as a single person, but only one application per project is accepted.
- You may work in cooperation with an NGO, or you can start up your own organization.
- Projects must represent new ideas (i.e., the award is not funding for pre-existing projects).
- Previous winners are not allowed to submit projects for the following two Commitment Award calls (2 years cool-off period).
A complete application consists of a zip-file (max. 2MB) with
- the Application Form 2023 as PDF,
- the signed Declaration of Obligation as PDF, and
- a group picture of which the project members own all rights and which may be used publicly by the Engagementpreis Foundation and the Brandt School for all purposes related to the Commitment Award (JPEG or PNG).
Project Criteria
Successful projects:
- must be socially charitable and address a relevant problem,
- can be a local or international initiative,
- must put the prize money to good use (i.e., towards project implementation) if won,
- must be realistic/likely to be implemented, also under pandemic circumstances,
- must be sustainable, i.e. show the potential to last beyond the one year funding period, and
- must be scalable, i.e. have the potential to grow what you plan to implement with the prize money.
The application should furthermore demonstrate that the applicants have the necessary experience and means to carry out this project.
Our 2023 Information Sheet offers an overview of all relevant application information.
Contact information
If you have any further questions contact us directly at team@commitmentaward.org
We look forward to receiving your application!