The Commitment Awards 2023 for outstanding social and sustainable project ideas all over the world went to three empowering projects in Ethiopia, Mexico, and Afghanistan on July 6, 2023, at the Collegium Maius in Erfurt.
During the 2023 Commitment Award ceremony three prizes were awarded to the following projects:
“Cattle Raid Child Care and Reintegration Project” by Arupur Charles Peyo: The project is designed to care for and reintegrate children from families who have been victims of cattle raiding in Ethiopia. It aims to provide these children with comprehensive care, protection and support through family-based counselling, education and vocational education to better integrate them into society and overcome their trauma.
“Digital Literacy for the Social Incidence” / “Dig-Incidence” by Francisco Calep Pimienta González and Cristhy Alejandra Alpuche Cabrera: The project aims to improve the digital literacy of civil society organisations in Mexico to strengthen their impact in society. Through mentoring and training courses, participants will be trained in digital skills and learn how to use digital tools for better social interaction.
“Afghan Girls to University” by Sayed Ziafatullah Saeedi: This project focuses on ten female survivors of a suicide attack on the Kaaj Educational Center in Kabul (Afghanistan) in 2022, who are denied access to education by the Taliban. Although they have excellent qualifications, they are unable to apply for universities in the US/Europe because of the wide gap between the Afghan and US/European education systems and the female students’ unfamiliarity with the latter. To help them successfully apply to universities in the US/Europe, this project firstly provides them with one-to-one tutoring, and secondly finances the fee for their English test.
Dr. Julia Duchrow, Deputy Secretary General at Amnesty International (Germany) held the keynote speech at this year’s award ceremony. She spoke about why commitment for human rights is just as important today – 75 years after the Universal Declaration of Human Rights – as it was after the Second World War.
Next to the keynote speech and the presentation of the prizes, the ceremony included a welcoming speech by Dr. Michael Edinger (Thuringian Ministry for Economis Affairs, Science and Digital Society), input from the two moderators Markus Pins (Founder and Managing Director, Engagementpreis Foundation) and Lena Kiesewetter (Managing Director of the Willy Brandt School of Public Policy), a musical opening by Anika von Zimt and presentations of all shortlisted projects:
- “The Inclusion Initiative: Empowering Students for Change” (Anushree Dirangane and Zenah Nantumbwe)
- “Cattle Raid Child Care and Reintegration Project” (Arupur Charles Peyo)
- “TradeTeach” (Sharmaine Salazar)
- “Digital Literacy for the Social Incidence” (Francisco Calep Pimienta González und Cristhy Alejandra Alpuche Cabrera)
- “Afghan Girls to University” (Sayed Ziafatullah Saeedi)
We thank the Kinnings Foundation, the Town & Country Foundation, the Haniel Foundation and Udo van Meeteren for supporting the Commitment Award 2023.
Below you can find some impressions of the evening.