Award winners 2022: Chukwudi Okolo and Dr. Ebele Odinachi (PhD) (Nigeria)
An age long adage states that when you train a woman, you train a nation, which also implies that when you empower a mother, you build nations. Go-Women-Preneur Initiative is a project that target to empower women, especially mothers who are the breadwinners of their families. They will be initially supported with business ideas according to their capacity and empowered with small credits to start, with follow ups including further training, savings, and recovery plans for the sustainability of the project. 100 euro is confirmed as enough to start a small business in the context of Nigeria or other developing nations.
Award Ceremony 2022: Chudi’s speech at the Commitment Awards Hackathon Award winner 2021
Brandt School Alumnus Chukwudi Okolo received the 2021 Hackaton Award at the International Conference 2022 Awards Ceremony on the theme “Building New Bridges Together – INCLUSION, EQUALITY and DIVERSITY in Higher Education – for the World We Want to Shape.”
He won with his project “TEENS FOR TRANSFORMATION; Promoting Ethics in Society through Ethics Clubs in Basic Schools.” It hopes to drive a new orientation that will check unethical behavior including corrupt practices and insincerity in societies.